
2024 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Banca de las Oportunidades, Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Banco de la República


  • Actuar Famiempresas, Agustín Nieto Caballero, AMV, Asobancaria, Asobolsa, Asofiduciarias, Asofondos, Asomicrofinanzas, Ban100, Banca de las Oportunidades, Bancamía, Banco Agrario de Colombia, Banco Caja Social empresa de Fundación Grupo Social, Banco Contactar, Banco Davivienda, Banco de Bogotá, Banco de la República, Banco Falabella, Banco Itaú, Banco Mundo Mujer, Banco Unión S.A., Bancóldex, Bancolombia, Bancoomeva, Bolsa de Valores, Clever Finance, Colegio Adventista Simón Bolívar, Colegio Fe y Alegría, Colegio General Santander, Colegio La Salle, Colegio Latinoamericano, Colegio León XVII, Colegio Militar José Antonio Galán, Colegio Normal Superior de Bucaramanga, Colegio Normal Superior de Caldas, Colegio san Francisco de Asís, Colegio San Jorge, Colegio Soledad Acosta de Samper, Colfondos, Comfama, Confecoop, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Miguel COOFISAM, Cooperativa de La Guajira Confiamos, Cooperen, Coosanluis, Cootregua, CREAFAM, Crediservir, Crezcamos, DNP, Fasecolda, Fecolfin, Fiduagraria, Finagro, Finanfuturo, Finanzas Cotidianas, Findeter, Fogacoop, Fogafín, Fondo Nacional de Garantías, Fondo Nacional del Ahorro, Fundación Amanecer, Fundación PLAN, I.E. Aurelio Martinez Mutis, Institución Educativa República de Brasil, Institución Educativa Técnico de Comercio Santa Cecilia, Institución Educativa Vida Nueva, José María Vivas Balcázar, Juana de Caicedo y Cuero, Mibanco, Microempresas de Colombia, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ministerio de Comercio, Ministerio de Educación, Ministerio de Hacienda, Nueva Colombia IED, Porvenir, Positiva, Previsora Seguros, Prosperidad Social, Protección, Santa Cecilia, Servimcoop, Skandia, Sparkassenstiftung Alemana, Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Supersolidaria, Trading College, Ultrahuilca, Universidad de Cartagena, Universidad de La Salle, Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad Manuela Beltrán, Universidad Minuto de Dios, Unidad de Regulación Financiera


  • 92


  • 83 282


  • 133 866


  • 22 839

Nearly 217200 participants including children, young people, parents, and teachers, took part in GMW activities carried out in 137 municipalities and 30 departments nationwide. Banca de las Oportunidades, the National Planning Department, and the Bank of the Republic were in charge of the national coordination of the GMW in Colombia. More than 95 organisations participated in the Week, with at least one initiative of related to economic and financial education for young people.

Under the motto “Protect your money, secure your future,” Colombia carried out all the initiatives generated for this edition of the GMW. The inaugural event was held at the cultural headquarters of the Bank of the Republic in the city of Manizales, Caldas. It was attended by hundreds of children. Other activities included an awards ceremony for an entrepreneurship contest in which more than 100 groups of students participated. Midweek, two recreational-pedagogical fairs for schools were held in two cities of the country. For these fairs, 23 organisations delivered financial education activities for children. More than 2,300 students from 13 schools attended these fairs in both cities. The closing event was held in the city of Florencia, Caquetá. It was held at the cultural centre of the Bank of the Republic, attended by hundreds of students, and was concluded with an awards ceremony for a second entrepreneurship contest held in this city, in which 130 groups of students participated.

More than 95 organisations organised talks, contests, workshops, games, campaigns, and lectures in 88% of the departments nationwide in schools, universities, cultural centres, public squares, and even virtually.

2023 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Banco de la República, Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras (Fogafin), Banca de las oportunidades, Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores (AMV), Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia (Asobancaria), Federación de Aseguradores Colombianos (Fasecolda), Fundación Plan


  • Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Banco de la República, Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras (Fogafin), Banca de las oportunidades, Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores (AMV), Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia (Asobancaria), Federación de Aseguradores Colombianos (Fasecolda), Fundación Plan, Fundación Sparkassenstiftung Alemana, SENA, Universidad Corhuila, Instituto Educativo Jose Ramon Bejarano, Liceo Mayor del Pacifico, Instituto Juan XXIII, Centro Educativo Santa Rosa, Colegio Ultrahuilca, Colegios Comfandi, Colegio Montessori, Colegio Nuestra Señora de Nazareth, Colegio Carlos Pizarro Leon Gómez, Colegio Guipas y Chavos, Instituto Técnico Industrial Marco Aurelio Ballen, Colegio nuestra señora de Fátima, Institución Educativa San José de Venecia, Institución Educativa Uribe Gaviria, Institución Educativa Romeral, Institución Educativa Divino Amor, Institución Educativa La Salle, Institución educativa Acapulco, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga-UNAB, Universidad del Quindío, Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana Bucaramanga, Universidad de Cundinamarca, Sede Ubaté, Universidad Minuto de Dios, Cámara de Comercio de Boyacá, Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción – Camacol, Prosperando Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito, Corporación de Crédito Contactar, Crezcamos S.A Cía. de Financiamiento, Banco Agrario, Banco de Bogotá, ScotiaBank Colpatria, Banco Popular, Banco Caja Social, Bancolombia, Banco Itaú, Banco GNB Sudameris, Banco Unión, Banco Mundo Mujer, Mi Banco, Bancoomeva, Banco Cooperativo Coopcentral, Tuya, Banco Falabella, Banco davivienda; FinZi; Corhuila University


  • 92


  • 113 450


  • 3 000


  • 3 100 000

Around 113,450 participants, including children, youth, parents and teachers, participated in the GMW activities carried out in 70 cities and areas of Colombia. The launch of this 11th edition was in the city of Buenaventura and was attended by more than a hundred girls, boys and adolescents, who were introduced to concepts such as saving and sustainable finance and their contribution to the protection of the environment. With the motto "Plan your money, plant your future" the Global Money Week (GMW) Colombia involved children and young people in activities aimed at empowering them to achieve their financial objectives. Financial education was delivered through playful workshops, stories, games, visits to libraries and financial institutions, video presentations and animations, and digital strategies. Likewise, exhibitions, virtual and face-to-face workshops were held in different colleges and universities.

Activities were carried out by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia in schools, technological institutions and universities with the digital version of the game "Superfinanzas", a playful tool, through which knowledge about the products and services of the financial system is shared. This digital version also offers the player the option of choosing one of the avatars that represent different professions, cultures, ethnic groups or regions of the country, having the possibility of selecting the one with which they feel more comfortable with to play in the game. The game can be downloaded for free from any computer or mobile device and can be played offline too as each download terminal works independently with an indeterminate number of participants.

The Banco de la República, in its cultural centers and partner educational institutions, held workshops related to savings, magic currency and “econolandia”, games that allow children to understand the difference between needs and wants, to recognise the importance of saving and design a savings plan, and presentations about the history, functions, inflation and objective of the Central Bank.

For its part, the Financial Institutions Guarantee Fund - Fogafín - delivered educational materials on savings and insurance that protect people's money. Fasecolda emphasized the impact of properly managing the risks and resources of daily life, skills that young people could learn with Nueva Pangea, the tool created with the Ministry of National Education and Asobancaria, for schools in Colombia.

Banca de Oportunidades with its allies, the NGOs Finanfuturo, Prosperando, Contactar, developed dynamic games focused on the good management of resources, not only financial but also savings with goals and contributions that can be made to environmental sustainability, for example, saving natural resources.
Asobancaria carried out an advertising campaign in association with CCADI called "Fabled Finance" where a test was promoted for the public to find out which of the characters presented in the campaign represented them regarding their knowledge of finance and climate change. The financial entities Banco Agrario, Banco de Bogotá, ScotiaBank Colpatria, Banco Popular, Banco Caja Social, Bancolombia, Banco Itaú, Banco GNB Sudameris, Banco Unión, Banco Mundo Mujer, Mi Banco, Bancoomeva, Banco Cooperativo Coopcentral, Tuya, Banco Davivienda, Banco Falabella developed pedagogical workshops with girls, boys and young people from schools and foundations, focused on saving natural and financial resources, planting trees with a talk on financial education and a talk on sustainability, talks at universities on basic investment and savings issues and a webinar for parents, an educational day focused on the theme "Plan your money, plant your future", activities with games and a knowledge contest and activities with the children of the employees of the financial institution. Fundación Plan organised activities about the importance of promoting the culture of savings for girls as a way to start building solid foundations for empowerment, economic independence and self-confidence. The University of Corhuila delivered financial literacy awareness sessions to children and young people in facilities for at risk children. Worshops were about savings, budget, investment and the financial regulation. Finally, FinZi together with Visa organised face-to-face awareness sessions on sustainable financial education for children, youth and adults in schools in Bogota.

2022 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia (Asobancaria)


  • Banco de la República, Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia (Asobancaria), Federación de Aseguradores Colombianos (Fasecolda), Banca de las oportunidades, Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores (AMV), Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras (Fogafin) & Fundación Plan, 11 Universities, 91 Schools, Banco Falabella, Banco Caja Social, Banco Mundo Mujer, Banco Popular, Bancoomeva S.A., Banco Av Villas, Banco Davivienda, Itaú Colombia, Banco De Bogotá, Banco GNB Sudameris, Mibanco, Bancolombia, Banco Agrario, Fundación Bancolombia, Scotiabank Colpatria, Finanfuturo, Universidad Santo Tomas Bucaramanga, Microempresas De Colombia, Findeter, Crezcamos S.A Compañía De Financiamiento, Corporación de crédito Contactar, Cooperativa De Ahorro y Crédito CREAFAM, Fundación Social CREAFAM Solidaria & Coosanluis, Corporación Universitaria del Huila – Corhuila, Colegio Green Hill (Neiva), Colegio Gimnasio Moderno (Neiva), Colegio Anglocadadiense (Neiva), Clever Finance, Bancoomeva, Banco Mundo Mujer, Banco de Bogotá, Fondo de Pensiones y Cesantías Porvenir, Fundación Mundo Mujer, Universidad EAN


  • 44


  • 63,276


  • 1,521


  • 2,938,559

More than 50,000 children, young people, parents and teachers were engaged in over 170 activities organised by 27 national departments in Colombia during Global Money Week 2022. These activities focused on awareness-raising sessions on economic and financial literacy.

The GMW2022 National Launch on the importance of financial education in childhood was held on March 22. Participants included representatives from government and private entities who discussed the significance of financial education for children and young people and how it empowers them to build a brighter future as well as able to tackle deep social issues such as poverty and inequality in Colombia. Also, progress was made in governmental and private efforts to promote a public policy of economic and financial education for children, youth and adults.

Throughout the week, activities for children such as games, playful workshops, short stories, visits to libraries and financial institutions, video presentations and animations were carried out in schools. For young people, radio programmes, exhibitions, virtual and in-person workshops were held in universities. For parents and teachers, awareness-raising workshops, forums and virtual talks on “how to talk to children and young people about finances” were held.

During GMW, a large digital campaign was carried out with publications in social networks, web pages and mass media. It indirectly impacted more than 2.9 million people. The entire advertising strategy, events, activities and materials were centralised here.

The Corhuila Banking and Financial Administration Programme, through the Research Seedbed IMERCAP, participated in Global Money Week. Various schools in the city of Neiva joined the celebration. During the Week, students of all educational levels participated in academic talks on topics such as savings, investments, digital banking and the future of the economics. The activities were aimed at instilling good money management practices in children and young people as well as identifying the need to save in order to start their own businesses in the future. In elementary schools, students learnt to define concepts, such as saving and money. University students learnt to carry out investment operations in the stock market, through digital platforms under the agreement signed with the Colombian Stock Exchange.

Throughout Global Money Week 2022, Clever Finance with partners from the Colombian financial system reached over 10,000 children and youth through activities in 78 Schools of 34 cities and towns.

As operator of Financial Education projects in Colombia this GMW2022 Clever Finance worked with: Bancoomeva on “Mural of savings”; Banco Mundo Mujer on “Mundo Mujer Financial Education Day” with conversation, logic challenges, Financial Education "parks" and trivia; Banco de Bogotá on Savings bingo and Forum "The power of decisions" and workshop "Everything you need to know before investing"; Porvenir Pension and Severance Fund on experiential activity "The Future is Saving"; Mundo Mujer Foundation - Experiential Activity "Saving my future with Mundo Mujer"; EAN University on Investment Forum.

2021 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores (AMV), Asobancaria, Banca de las Oportunidades, Banco de la República, Fogafín, Fundación Plan, Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia and Microempresas de Colombia


  • Banco Agrario, Banco Caja Social, Banco de Bogotá, Banco Falabella, Banco W, Bancolombia, Bancoomeva, Colegio Carlos Pizarro León Gómez, Colegio los Alpes, Colegio los Andes, Colegio Montessori, Corporación para el Desarrollo Agroempresarial de Tumaco, Corporación de crédito Contacar, Finagro, Fundación Bancolombia, Fundación WWB, Icetex, Itahú, Microempresas de Colombia, SENA, SFC, Uniminuto, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Bucaramanga


  • 31


  • 19,353


  • 932


  • 2,648,064

To celebrate GMW2021, the Colombian organising committee along with its partners engaged more than 190,000 children and youth through several digital activities such as workshops, competitions, educational animations and finance games. Many parents and teachers participated in several activities related to money management in times of crisis. Furthermore, this year a virtual launch was organised with more than 1,522 students from different schools in Antioquia.

2019 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores
  • Clever Finance - Educación Financiera
  • Colegio Empresarial Los Andes - Facatativá, Cundinamarca
  • Corporación Universitaria del Huila - CORHUILA
  • Diqos educacion sin fronteras
  • Fundación Plan, Banco De La República, Asobancaria, Banca De Oportunidades, Fondo De Garantías De Instituciones Financieras (Fogafin), Superintendencia Financiera De Colombia
  • Libertat


  • 13 Universities, 326 Schools, Accion Fiduciaria S.A., Acciones y Valores, Actuar Caldas Comerciacoop, Ad - Cap, Adventista Baluarte Interamericano School, Alianza Fiduciaria, Antonio Nariño University, Asobancaria, Asobolsa, Asocorito Asociación Comerciante E Indust. Putumayo Asoco, Asofiduciarias, Asofondos, Axa Colpatria, Bancamia, Banco Agrario, Banco Av Villas, Banco Bbva, Banco BCSC, Banco Caja Social, Banco Colpatria, Banco Coomeva, Banco Davivienda, Banco De Bogota, Banco de Occidente S.A., Banco Falabella, Banco GNB Sudameris, Banco Mundo Mujer, Banco Pichincha, Banco Procreditcolombia, Banco W, Bancolombia, Bancompartir, Bancoomeva, BBVA Asset Management Sociedad Fiduciaria, BBVA Valores, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, BTG Pactual, Capitalizadora Bolívar, Capitalizadora Colpatria, Casa de Bolsa S.A., Citibank, Cititrust S.A., Citivalores S.A., Colfondos, Colmena Riesgos Profesionales, Comerciacoop, Comuldesa, Coomeva Coperative, Cooperativa Coosanluis, Cooperativa Especializada De Ahorro Y Credito Crediservir, Coopetativo Utrahuilca School, Cooptenjo, Cooptenjo- Facatativá, Corporación Financiera Colombiana S.A., Corporación Interactuar, Corporación Nariño Empresa Y Futuro Contactar, Corredores Davivienda, Credicorp Capital, Davivienda, Diqos, Emprender, Fasecolda, Fedeleasing, Fiduagraria S.A., Fiduciaria Bogotá, Fiduciaria Central, Fiduciaria Colpatria, Fiduciaria Corficolombiana S.A, Fiduciaria Davivienda, Fiduciaria de Occidente, Fiduciaria la previsora, Fiduciaria popular, FIDUCOLDEX S.A., Fiducoomeva, Finagro, Fundacion Amanecer, Fundación Finsocial, Fundación Mario Santodomingo, Fundación Mundo Mujer, Gimnasio los Robles School, Global securities Colombia S.A., Itaú, itaú Comisionista, Itaú Fiduciaria, JP Morgan Corporación Financiera S.A., Old mutual Pensiones y Cesantias S.A., Porvenir, Protección, Reinaldo Matiz School, Rincón de la Expresión School, Santa Librada School, Scotia bank, Scotiabank Colpatria, Seguros Comerciales Bolivar S.A., Seguros de vida Colpatria S.A., Servivalores GNB Sudameris S.A., Surcolombiana University, Titularizadora Colombiana S.A., Ultraserfinco, Universidad de Los Andes, Universidad del Bosque, Valores Bancolombia S.A.


  • 263 112


  • 3 114 267

Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores
To celebrate GMW2019, AMV and its partners organised over 650 activities across Colombia. The activities included plays, forums, and interactive exhibitions, all focused on the importance of the proper usage of resources, the role of economics and finance in the daily lives of young people, as well as highlighting the importance of healthy saving habits. The initiative was coordinated by the Global Organising Committee Money Week Colombia, a body that brings together entities such as Colombia's Stock Market Self-Regulator AMV, Bank of the Republic, Banca de las Oportunidades, as well as Superintendence of Finance, Fundación PLAN, the Federation of Colombian Insurers, and the Banking and Financial Entities Association of Colombia. The Committee provided printed materials, digital activities, advertising strategies and a website to promote financial literacy within Colombia. Once again, the “GMW Colombia” contest was held, which awards the organisation that reached the highest number of children during the Week. The contest was highlighted in the press conference launch at the Asobancaria Sustainability Congress. The Global Organising Committee Money Week Colombia, and the directors and managers for the founding organisations attended the event. Additionally, Colombia actively participated in the GMW Selfie Challenge and the GMW Money Box Challenge on social media.

Diqos educacion sin fronteras
To celebrate GMW2019, Diqos organised a workshop, which covered two themes. First, financial education, which consisted of personal finances and economic leverage of NGOs, and second, emotional education, which discussed to DAPEL structure and the educational leveraging of NGOs.

Clever Finance - Educación Financiera
For this year’s GMW, @CleverFinance designed activities for four financial institutions, namely Mundo Mujer Foundation, Self-regulator of the AMV Market, Porvenir Pension Fund, and Bancoomeva. The activities aimed to teach children, through interactive games, about the importance of using money responsibly, practicing long-term saving strategies, how to invest money through entrepreneurship, and understanding the functions and tools that financial systems provide. The launch event took place at Universidad del Bosque, an educational institution, which leads the country in developing financial literacy projects. In addition to the launch event, a nationally recognized personal finance Youtuber, @KaremSuarez, promoted GMW by hosting talks and posting videos on their social network.

Fundación Plan
For 2019, the Global Money Week Organising Committee, composed of Fundación PLAN, Banco de la República, Asobancaria, Banca de Oportunidades, Fondo de Garantías de Instituciones Financieras - FOGAFIN, Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores Colombia (AMV) and Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, organised an inclusive Global Money Week. This year, special attention was placed upon victims of armed conflict, for whom group saving sessions, trainings and workshops on money matters, and entrepreneur fairs were organised. Prior to the Week, an entrepreneur fair was organised. The Week was officially launched in Bogotá, which involved ministries, governments, financial entities, and various media organisations. Many different activities were conducted, including reading clubs, trainings, saving workshops, saving groups, guided tours of banks and corporations, fairs, conferences, and contests. Additionally, a mural titled “I save because…” was created. Via social media, all organisation raised awareness on GMW, and shared information on the importance of saving and other money matters.

During GMW 2019, Libertat Colombia organised a 2-hour conference for undergraduate students, who are beneficiaries of the Financial Support Programme of the Universidad de Los Andes, on the importance of personal financial. The conference highlighted the importance of debts prepayment and the potential savings needed in the long run. At the end of the session, personal finance advice was given to the beneficiaries.

Corporación Universitaria del Huila - CORHUILA
The Corhuila Banking and Financial Administration Programme, through the IMERCAP research center, participated in Global Money Week, in which various financial institutions joined in the celebrations. During the Week, students from all levels of education participated in academic talks, on topics such as savings, investments, digital banking, and the economy. The activities aimed to instill children and young people with good money management practices, as well as identifying the need to save to start their own enterprises in the future. At elementary schools, students learnt how to define concepts, such as saving and money. University students learnt how to carry out investment transactions in the stock market, through digital platforms.

Colegio Empresarial Los Andes - Facatativá, Cundinamarca
Throughout Global Money Week 2019, the Colegio Empresarial Los Andes en Facatativa Cundinamarca (Andean Business School), along with Cooptenjo, organised seminars, workshops, and competitions for children and youth. The financial literacy awareness sessions included topics such as alliances with banks, which aimed to teach children on the importance of saving. Workshops and seminars were organised at the School. The lessons started prior to GMW and due to their success, they will continue throughout the rest of the year. The Week came to a close with an additional financial workshop, giving by a financial institution, hosted by the School. Children from all ages and their parents were able to participate in the financial literacy workshops.

2018 Colombia Global Money Week


  • Bank of the Republic
  • Self-Regulator of the Colombian Stock Market (AMV), Asobancaria , Bank of the Republic of Colombia, Financial Superintendence of Colombia, Fasecolda, Plan International, Banca de las Oportunidades


  • Acciones y Valores, Acción Fiduciaria, Ad-Cap, Agrario Bank, Alianza Fiduciaria, Amanecer Foundation, Asobolsa, Bancamía, Bancolombia, Bancompartir, Bancoomeva, Bolívar Insurance, Citibank, Clever Finance, Colfondos, Colpatria Bank, Corficolombiana, Corredores Davivienda, Davivienda Bank, Falabella Bank, Fiduagraria, Fiduciaria Central, Fiduciaria Coomeva, Fiduciaria Davivienda, Fiduciaria la Previsora, Fiduciaria Popular, Fiducoldex, Finagro, Global Securities, Itaú, JP Morgan, Julio Mario Santo Domingo Foundation, Ministry of National Education, Mundo Mujer Bank, Museo Casa de Moneda, Museo de Arte Miguel Urrutia (MAMU), Protección, Stock Exchange, Ultraserfinco, Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, 4 universities, 400 schools


  • 187 000


  • 3 400 002

Self-Regulator of the Colombian Stock Market (AMV)
As part of GMW2018 celebrations, the Colombian Stock Exchange and their partners hosted more than 689 activities across Colombia and reached more than 185,000 children and youth. The activities took place in schools, universities, and the headquarters of financial and governmental entities in 28 regions in Colombia. These activities, which varied from plays to forums to interactive exhibitions, were built around the importance of the proper use of resources, the role of economics and finance in daily life of young people, as well as highlighting the importance of healthy savings habits. This initiative was coordinated by the Global Organising Committee Money Week Colombia, a body that brings together entities such as Colombia's Stock Market Self-Regulator AMV, Bank of the Republic, Banca de las Oportunidades, as well as Superintendence of Finance, Fundación PLAN, the Federation of Colombian Insurers, and the Banking and Financial Entities Association of Colombia. The synergy that exists around the topics of Global Money Week allowed the committee to reach agreements on important issues for financial inclusion in line with the GMW theme, “Money Matters Matter”. Several activities were carried out, and printed materials, digital activities, advertising strategies, and a website were created to promote financial literacy within Colombia. Many materials were available free of charge to ensure the celebrations reached as many people as possible. Following the trend of previous years, the "GMW Colombia" contest was once again initiated in 2018. The contest awarded the organisation that reached the highest number of children during the Week to promote the competition. The winners were awarded with a plaque and recognized via social media channels. The 2018 contest was highlighted in the press conference launch at the Asobancaria Sustainability Congress. The Global Organising Committee Money Week Colombia, and the directors and managers for the founding organisations attended the event. Additionally, Colombia actively participated in the GMW Selfie Challenge and the GMW Money Box Challenge on social media.

Bank of the Republic
A variety of activities took place in all the branches and cultural centers of the country, garnering active participation from children and youth in the different regions. These activities included educative animations, workshops on saving and types of money, educational talks and fairs, and movie forums. In Bogotá, workshops for children and youth, ages 6-14, included “Una alcancía para alcanzar mis sueños” (A Piggy Bank to Reach my Dreams) and “El misterioso caso de las monedas y billetes en tus manos” (The Mysterious Case of Coins and Dollars and Characters in your hands). These workshops offered theoretical and practical tools to explore the different forms of payment and savings, information on the characteristics of security, and the figures represented on the Columbian currency.

2017 Colombia Global Money Week




  • 161 053


  • 1 019 342

As part of the GMW 2017 celebration, more than 450 activities were carried out throughout Colombia such as plays, videos, forums, workshops, interactive talks, storytelling, games, painting, interactive exhibitions, visits, contests and more, benefiting more than 161,000 children and youth. The activities took place in schools, universities and headquarters of financial and governmental entities throughout 28 regions in Colombia. All of these activities were built around the importance of the proper use of resources, the role of economics and finance in the daily life of children and young people, as well as highlighting the importance of healthy savings habits.

This initiative was coordinated by the Global Organising Committee Money Week Colombia, a body that brings together public entities such as Bank of the Republic, Ministry of National Education and Banca de las Oportunidades, as well as private entities such Fundación PLAN, the Stock Market Regulator, the Federation of Colombian Insurers and the Banking and Financial Entities Association of Colombia.

The synergy that exists around the topics of Global Money Week allowed the committee to reach agreements on important issues for financial inclusion in line with CYFI. Several activities were carried out, and printed materials, digital activities, advertising strategies and even a website ( was created to promote these topics within Colombia and to make several materials available free of charge, for all people wanting to join in the celebrations.

Following the trend of previous years, the "GMW Colombia" contest was once again initiated in 2017. This contest awards the entity that reaches the highest number of children during the Week, in order to promote the competition. Entities were awarded with a plaque and recognized via social media channels. The 2017 contest highlighted the press conference launch held in the framework of the First Asobancaria Sustainability Congress, with the presence of directors and managers of the entities that formed the organising committee in Colombia.

Additionally, for the second consecutive year, a Regional Rally was organised in Latin America in which Colombia was an active participant. Organisations, associations, financial institutions, regulators and museums came together in Latin America to provide a competition via twitter, in which youngsters from 14 to 18 received clues about financial education, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship questions, which the youth had to complete in the shortest possible time to qualify for a prize.

The Rally was a great coordination effort, with eight participating organisations from the region: Asobanceria from Colombia, Child and Youth Finance International, Junior Achievement Americas, Amcham Foundation, Bancaribe, Central Bank of Chile, Pequeño Cerdo Capitalista and the Interactive Museum of Economics, which made it possible to link youth from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela.

During the dynamic, young people learnt about the value of money, inflation, why to save for their goals, retirement and emergencies, economic citizenship and entrepreneurship in a unique and interactive way.

2016 Colombia Global Money Week



  • Fiduciaria Central, Fiduciaria de Occidente, SAI Seguridad, Seguros Bolivar, AFP Porvenir, AFP Colfondos, Grupo Corpbanca - Helm, BTG Pactual, Asofiduciarias, Asofondos, Banco Mundo Mujer, Bancompartir, Banco AV Villas, CorpBanca, BBVA COLOMBIA, Jóvenes por las Finanzas, BANCO AGRARIO DE COLOMBIA, FINAGRO, Bancolombia, Davivienda, Bancoomeva, Bancamía, CajaHonor, Fundación Amanecer, Superintendencia Financiera, Seguros Mundial, Financiera Comultrasan, Servimcoop, Contactar, Confincafe, Cooptenjo, Colegio Olga González, Casa de la Cultura (Casa Amarilla), Municipio de Bayunca, Universidad Tecnológica de Chocó, Organización de jóvenes primavera, Comunidad de Candelillas carretera, Comunidad Imbili, Comunidad Tangeral del Mira, Comunidad puertas del Sol, Junta communal Villa Rica, Monitores deportivos, Profesional de juventud de alcaldía Villa Rica, dpto Cauca, Comunidad de San Antonio (Jamundí), Comunidad el descanso, Comunidad Chilvi, Comunidad las Américas, Familias en Acción, Univalle, RCN, Publimetro, Portafolio, Colegio Liceo Patria Primaria y Bachillerato (Ejército Nacional de Colombia), Colegio Nuestra Señora de Fátima (Policía Nacional de Colombia), Colegio Armada Santa Fe de Bogotá (Armada Nacional de Colombia), Aflatoun, Coomuldesa (Aflatoun Partner)


  • 14th - 19th of March


  • 116 685


  • 5 572 107

To celebrate Global Money Week, the Ministry of Education specially developed school activities for the Week for 1st – 10th grade teachers. The Ministry wanted both students and the teachers to be more involved with Financial and Economic Education, and sought to increase awareness not only through math, but also through social studies and languages, as basic skills for financial education (such as smart decision making regarding management of natural and financial resources) can be developed through various academic areas. These activities were shared directly with the Secretary of Education of each department for wide circulation amongst schools. The GMW activities were also shared through the website “Red Maestros”, designed for teachers, as a useful tip for their classes.

Furthermore, various contests were organised by the GMW Colombia Committee, which consists of representatives from Banco de la República, Fundación Plan, Banca de las Oportunidades, Asobancaria, Ministerio de Educación, Fasecolda and AMV:

  • In December 2015, the committee organised a contest for the best slogan in Spanish for Global Money Week. There were two winners, one for the best slogan, #AhorroParaMiFuturo, which was used during the celebration, and the other for the most amount of “likes” on Facebook for the proposed slogan. Each winner was awarded a tablet, but the slogan winner also won a free course in personal finances from his ninth grade teachers and a savings workshop given by Banco de la República (the Central Bank).
  • Financial Education Rally with PQR codes
  • The Savings Board contest

A Mobile exhibition about the history of money and bills, as well as the history of entrepreneurs, from Santander, Colombia was also created, along with an exhibit /fair “Education and financial inclusion” with savings workshops for kids and educational material from different organisations that was organised in San Andrés, Colombia. Furthermore, children and youth took part in a “painting the savings landscape” activity, and made messages alluding to saving and saving smart, a walk was organised through the main streets to share these messages with the people around in the municipality of Turbaco.

"It is important to remember that education should be everyone’s commitment and that we are looking to coordinate efforts with national and international actors and organisations that understand the importance of economic and financial education in order to optimize resources and align initiatives that allow for the strengthening of their impact. Global Money Week is one part of this coordinated effort, in which all the organisations involved seek that all children can apply the knowledge they have acquired along with basic and citizenship skills to innovate and learn throughout their life for the development and update of their skills." Ministry of Education, Colombia
"Financial education is a key element in making informed financial decisions. If we manage to start financial education from an early age, children and young people people will develop self-protection and planning skills that will allow them to achieve their dreams."Jeannette Forigua, Presidente del Autorregulador del Mercado de Valores de Colombia

2015 Colombia Money Week


  • 4th – 17th of March


  • 1 562 389



Global Money Week celebrations were led by Banca de las Oportunidades (BbO). BdO is the long-term policy programme aimed at expanding access to financial services for the unbanked in Colombia, especially low-income families, micro and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs. BdO, which is managed by Bancoldex, the Bank for Foreign Trade, in association with Banking Association (Asobancaria), the Central Bank of Colombia, and Plan International, organised a variety of activities all over the country.

The Central Bank of Colombia organised a workshop on coins and bank notes for children and youth. Similar workshops were also conducted in its 23 branches.

Asobancaria contributed to spread the messages of GMW values through a strong social media campaign. Asobancaria’s associate institutions took the financial inclusion and education messages to the next level by organising hundreds of activities, including workshops, games, and visits to financial institutions among others.

BdO and Plan International put together a grand closing ceremony event. Universities, like the University of Groningen, and the Georgetown University, and other organisations such as UniSangil and Youth for Finance took part in a session dedicated to highlight success stories in financial inclusion and financial education.

Global Money Weeek 2015 en Colombia

Por tercer año en Colombia se celebró la semana de la inclusión y la educación financiera para niños, niñas y jóvenes. Las celebraciones contaron con el apoyo de entidades que ampliaron las regiones impactadas tradicionalmente, como fue el caso de Quibdó en el Chocó, Fredonia en Antioquia, Tenjo en Cundinamarca, entre otras regiones que se caracterizan por su alto componente de ruralidad.

Entre el 9 y el 15 de marzo se celebró la Semana Internacional de la Educación y la Inclusión Financiera de Niños, Niñas y Jóvenes en Colombia: ‘El futuro está en tus ahorros’, cuyo fin fue profundizar en la importancia del ahorro, el acceso a servicios financieros apropiados y una educación financiera de calidad. Global Money Week, como se conoce a esta iniciativa mundialmente. Este año la iniciativa fue coordinada en Colombia por Banca de las Oportunidades, con el apoyo del Banco de la República, Asobancaria, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional y la Fundación Plan.

El tema central de la semana fue ‘El futuro está en tus ahorros’, el cual se promovió por medio de diferentes eventos organizados por y en colegios, universidades, instituciones gubernamentales, instituciones financieras, miembros de la sociedad civil y comunidades de jóvenes activos en todo el mundo.

En 2015 se logró la participación de 1.562.389 niños, niñas y jóvenes en más de 120 municipios (administratives units). Niños y jóvenes participaron en las múltiples actividades educativas y recreativas que han fueron programadas entre el 9 y el 15 de marzo, en diferentes regiones del país. Se habilitaron colegios, aulas móviles, sedes bancarias, juegos en línea y material interactivo descargable en sitios web a través del cual hubo intercambio de mensajes y chats alusivos al fomento del ahorro.

La agenda de la semana incluyó cine, videos, foros, talleres, charlas lúdicas, lectura de cuentos, juegos, pintura, exhibiciones interactivas, visitas, concursos, entre otras actividades.

Estos eventos estuvieron al alcance de niños, niñas y jóvenes en diferentes ciudades del país: Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, Buenaventura, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Pasto, Manizales, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Ibagué Pacho, Subachoque, La Mesa, Amagá Antioquia, Andes, Ciudad Bolívar (Antioquia), Jardín, Anserma, Neira, Riosucio, Caldas, Manzanares, Salamina, Obando y Santander de Quilichao, Chicoral, Baranoa, Tumaco, Mariquita y Chiquinquirá, Rionegro, El Bagre, Cereté, Sincelejo, Sogamoso, San Vicente del Chucurí, Villavicencio, Quibdó, entre otros.

Una de las principales actividades fue el “Taller de experiencias en el diseño de programas de educación financiera para niños y jóvenes”, que estuvo a cargo de Banca de las Oportunidades y el comité Organizador. El evento se llevó a cabo el viernes 13 de marzo en el que se contó con la participación de expertos internacionales y testimonios de jóvenes beneficiarios de programas de educación financiera, en el marco del evento el Ministerio de Educación Nacional lanzó: “Pioneros del Programa de Educación Económica y Financiera”, se presentó la iniciativa propuesta por Child and Youth Finance International de SchoolBank y se presentaron los resultados preliminares del estudio cualitativo de inclusión financiera para los jóvenes de la provincia del sur de Santander.

Finalmente el Banco de la República presentó el nuevo taller de billetes y monedas para niños y niñas y que se realizó en las 29 casas de cultura del país, durante la semana.

"Este programa acercará a niños, niñas y jóvenes a conceptos que les ayudará a administrar mejor sus recursos y a planear su vida futura [...]”. Juan Pablo Zárate, Codirector del Banco de la República.
“El reto que tenemos es lograr que todos colombianos sean personas financieramente educadas, con capacidad de tomar buenas decisiones financieras en cualquier etapa de su vida y de desarrollar hábitos responsables que mejoren su bienestar y calidad de vida.” Santiago Castro, Presidente de Asobancaria
“Iniciativas como el Global Money Week cobran relevancia en un esfuerzo conjunto del sector público y privado en pensar la educación financiera en torno a los niños y adolescentes, como actores de cambio y futuro de las naciones”. Juliana Álvarez Gallego, Directora de Banca de las Oportunidades
“Desde Plan nos unimos al GMW porque estamos convencidos de que es muy importante brindarle a niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes herramientas en el tema de educación financiera que les permita, la inclusión económica desde muy temprana edad y así cerrar brechas de desigualdad social”. Gabriela Bucher Balcázar, Presidenta Ejecutiva de la Fundación Plan

2014 Colombia Money Week

  • 10th-15th of March


  • 482 635


  • Canal RCN
  • Canal Uno
  • La República
  • El Periódico
  • La Cariñosa Vanguardia
  • Semana Mutuum

After a very exciting first experience in 2013, Colombia joined Child and Youth Finance International for the 2014 Global Money Week. This year´s main theme was “what do children and youth want for their future?”, which included topics about why they should save, opportunities that banks could offer to children and youth, positive and negative consequences of handling money and recommendations for decision makers.

The 2014 organising committee was led by Asobancaria and made up by SENA, Dividendo por Colombia, Banca de las Oportunidades and Save the Children. In addition, they had the participation of 17 of the most important commercial banks, other institutions such as Banco de la República, Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, Fasecolda, Fogafin, Mastercard and Credibanco, 82 schools and 2 universities. The schedule of activities for the Global Money Week this year was quite diverse and exciting and included financial education workshops at schools, plays and games about the importance of savings, visits to the interactive money museum, storytelling, dramas, and workshops with the materials that the committee has developed. Children and youth visited banks around the country and had the opportunity to talk about savings and to learn how to save for their future. Additionally, they talked about money and its different functions. They were also involved in entertaining initiatives such as theater and games to discuss the savings and their importance. Some institutions gave out piggy banks and all of them used their social media networks (such as Facebook and Twitter) to reach children and youth through shareable financial education content.

Financial education has been definitively enriched by what we all know by now as Edutainment. The organising committee of Global Money week in Colombia planned a series of fun activities to teach children and youth about the importance of becoming financially fit. The youth learnt through workshops about investment where they were especially interested in the capital market and the different way they can invest. The younger children had fun learning about savings in a mobile classroom. They rode around the city in a bus making their own their own piggy banks.

In Cartagena, over 250 children and youth visited the Banco Caja Social to learn about the banking system and to open their personal savings accounts. A group of youth also participated in the International Aflatoun Skype call in which they exchanged experiences with youth from Guatemala and children from Surinam. In order to promote their financial enterprise, eight youth made a video explaining how they save money through a communal garden. Lastly, a group of over 100 children, youth and adults painted a mural in their community to promote savings and environmental protection.

In Barranquilla, youth participated in the International Aflatoun Skype call, painted a mural in promotion of Aflatoun and savings, and hosted an enterprise workshop in which youth shared their enterprises with peers in their communities in order to spark their entrepreneurial spirit and motivate them to save. The field office also hosted a March of colours in which 230 youth participated. The purpose of the march was to promote the Aflatoun programme and the importance of savings within the community.

2013 Colombia Money Week


  • Central bank of Colombia


  • Banco Agrario de Colombia
  • Corficolombiana
  • Finamérica
  • Bancolombia
  • Helm Bank
  • Banco de Bogotá
  • Citibank
  • Davivienda


  • 15th and 16th of March


  • 41 000

In Colombia, the celebration was being led and coordinated by Banco de la República, along with Child and Youth Finance International, Save the Children, SENA, Asobancaria, and the Finanzas para el Cambio programme. In addition, the national initiative had the support of 16 institutions in the public and private sectors.

This initiative is being recognized and supported by world leaders and major organisations, such as the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, President of the European Council, Herman Achille van Rompuy, and Mexican Presidency of the G-20. More than 41000 children and youth in 29 cities across the country participated simultaneously in various educational and recreational activities alluding saving, such as workshops, theatrical plays, storytellers, graffiti artists, music and dance groups, cinema forums, workshops on the elaboration of piggy and competitions regarding this important topic. Events were held in schools, shopping centers, private sector banks branches and cultural agencies of Banco de la República across the country.

Brian S.E. Mosquera, age 10, shared his experience as a participant in a workshop: “I am excited because Bancolombia came to school today and that bank is good because you can save money and record many checks.” To children and youth had the opportunity to open bank accounts with an opening amount of 0 pesos, retaining their commitment to financial inclusion. A Savings Bank was open in classroom where students from 9th grade started saving coins daily receiving a certificate of each deposit. Rodolfo the mascot of the Bank also took part in the celebrations by teaching children and youth about counterfeit money.