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GMW2022 Launch Event: 10 Year Anniversary

Global Money Week (GMW) promotes efforts aimed at improving financial literacy of young people. The ultimate goal of the Campaign is to ensure that all children and youth have access to high-quality financial education, they learn about money matters and are able to take smart financial decisions that can improve their future financial resilience and financial well-being.

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the Global Money Week campaign, and we were excited to celebrate this special edition of the GMW (21-27 March 2022) together with you. The Global Money Week campaign, now organised by the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE), has grown over the years to become a truly global and international phenomenon, much due to your tireless efforts, reaching over 170 countries and over 50 million children cumulatively over the years.

“Build your future, be smart about money” was the official theme of GMW2022. The theme captures the importance of thinking about one’s own future when making financial decisions. This theme not only prompts young people to be forward-looking, but also encourages GMW participating organisations to think about the future when planning their GMW activities, providing flexibility, for example, to address issues such as sustainability or the digitalisation of financial services. Depending on the national context and designed activities, participants may also use previous themes or the permanent GMW slogan “Learn. Save. Earn.” Learn more here.

The GMW2022 Launch Event: 10 Year Anniversary was organised by the OECD/INFE. It was held digitally on 21 March 2022. This Global Launch was an occasion to reflect on the challenges that lay ahead for young financial consumers under the current global pandemic and recent political turmoil, and to celebrate the successes and the impact of financial education efforts around the world.

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This special #10YearsGMW video includes an overview of previous GMW editions. Thank you very much to all GMW organisers and participants all around the world for making the GMW campaign possible.


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The official hashtags for the Event were #GMW2022Launch and #10YearsGMW. Follow GMW on social media @GlobalMoneyWeek and subscribe to @OECDGlobalMoneyWeek here.

The official hashtags of GMW2022 were: #GlobalMoneyWeek2022 #GMW2022, #GMWBuildYourFuture #GMWBeSmartAboutMoney for GMW2022 theme and for GMW slogan #LearnSaveEarn.

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The event was moderated by Aimée Allam, Executive Director, Financial literacy and Inclusion Campaign, Financial Times

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gmw challenge 2019   Carmine Di Noia was appointed Director of the OECD’s Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs in February 2022, where he leads the OECD’s standard setting and policy work on corporate governance, anti corruption, responsible business conduct, competition, financial education and consumer protection, capital and financial markets, investment, pensions, insurance, public debt management, financial markets and blockchain. He brings over 30 years of experience in the area of Financial Markets and Enterprise Affairs. Prior to his appointment, Dr Di Noia was Commissioner for the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission (CONSOB) and Deputy Director General at ASSONIME (the Association of Italian Corporations). An Italian national, he holds a Doctorate Degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and a Doctorate Degree in Economic Theory and Institutions from the Università di Roma Tor Vergata. He is also a full Professor of Financial Markets and Banking, at the Business School of Luiss University, in Rome.

gmw challenge 2019   Magda Bianco was born in Bergamo on 2 October 1960 and graduated with honours in Economics from the University of Bergamo in 1984. She then received an M.Sc. and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. She joined the Bank of Italy in 1989, where she worked in the Research Department until 1999, first in the Sector and Region Analysis Unit and then in the Financial Flows Unit, of which she became head in 1997. In 1999 she moved to the Law and Economics Unit and in 2007 was appointed head of the Law and Economics Division, which was merged into the Research Department. She has published articles on corporate governance, corporate finance, bankruptcy, economics of civil justice, and more generally on regulatory matters and gender issues. She has taught Industrial Organisation and Corporate Governance courses at several Italian universities. She served as economic advisor to the Italian Minister of Justice in 2012-2013 and has been economic and financial consultant to the Ministry since 2013. She is a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute and a member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society of Law and Economics and of the OECD Committee on Corporate Governance. She sits on the Bank of Italy's Equal Opportunity Committee. On 27 January 2014 she was appointed head of the Consumer Protection and Anti-Money Laundering Directorate. On 1 March 2020, she was appointed Managing Director and in that role, she has been Head of the new Directorate General for Consumer Protection and Financial Education since 22 June 2020.

gmw challenge 2019   Yunita Resmi Sari is the Head of SME Development and Consumer Protection Department at Bank Indonesia, the Central Bank of Indonesia. Previously, she was the Head of Logistics and Facilities Management Department in 2020 and Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Office in South Sumatera in 2019. She has extensive experiences in SME Development and financial inclusion area during her services in SME Department and Banking Research and Regulation Department in 2000-2018. She has also been actively participating in GPFI during Indonesia G20 Presidency in 2022 and in ASEAN as Co-Chair of Working Committee on Financial Inclusion (WC-FINC) along with National Bank of Cambodia. She earned an MBA from The University of Melbourne in 1998 and a Bachelor of Agricultural Technology from Bogor Agricultural University in 1989.

gmw challenge 2019   Mairead McGuinness is the European Commissioner for financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union. The Commissioner’s vision for the portfolio is focused on ensuring the financial sector’s strength and stability, so that it can deliver for people, society and the environment. Before joining the Commission in October 2020, Ms McGuinness was First Vice-President of the European Parliament from 2017. She served as an MEP from Ireland for 16 years, and was a Vice-President of the Parliament since 2014. As Vice-President, she oversaw relations with national Parliaments, led the Parliament’s dialogue with religious and philosophical organisations, and had responsibility for the Parliament’s communication policy.During her time in the Parliament, Ms McGuinness sat on a range of committees, covering agriculture, environment, public health, budgets, petitions and constitutional affairs. Her legislative work included leading for the EPP Group on the European Climate Law, the revision of medical devices legislation, and CAP reform post-2013. As an Irish MEP representing the border region, she was outspoken on Brexit and the consequences for the EU and Ireland. In 2006-2007, Ms McGuinness chaired the Parliament’s investigation into the collapse of the Equitable Life assurance company which identified issues around weak financial regulation.Prior to becoming an MEP, she was an award-winning journalist, broadcaster and commentator.

gmw challenge 2019   Jeroo Billimoria is the founder of several innovative and award-winning NGOs and has over twenty years’ experience running systems change organisations as a Skoll awardee, an Ashoka and Schwab Fellow. Among her previous organisations are Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI), Aflatoun International, Childline India and Child Helpline International, which have facilitated meaningful change in financial inclusion of youth in over 160 countries and created a global movement for protection of children and youth active in more than 181 countries. Jeroo is now founder of One Family Foundation which incubates social innovations and applies the systems change methodology to help organisations scale. One Family Foundation is currently anchoring Catalyst 2030, initiated by leading social entrepreneurs from Ashoka, Echoing Green, the Schwab Foundation, the Skoll Foundation and other global networks of social entrepreneurs. It aims to accelerate progress towards the SDGs by radically transforming social innovation ecosystems and driving systems change interventions at the country level.

gmw challenge 2019   Koba Gvenetadze is Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of Georgia, Governor since 2016. He worked at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in Washington D.C. as Senior Economist of Middle East and Central Asia Department (2002-2015), including serving as resident representative of the IMF in Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic. He held positions of Deputy State Minister (2001-2002) and Deputy Finance Minister of Georgia (2000-2001). In different years he worked for the National Bank of Georgia as a Senior Economist and for the local office of the International Monetary Fund as an Economist. Mr. Gvenetadze is a graduate of Tbilisi State University, Department of Finances and Credit. He also graduated from American University, Washington DC, USA in 2000 with a Master of Arts degree in Economics. Global Finance ranked Koba Gvenetadze among the Best Central Bankers in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

gmw challenge 2019   Maria Socorro Heysen Zegarra is the Superintendent of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators of Peru since 2016. Also, she is member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Banking Supervisors of the Americas (ASBA) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Toronto Center. She began her professional career at the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, where she became Deputy Manager of the Monetary Sector and Advisor to the General Manager. In 1997, she joined the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance of Peru as Deputy Superintendent of Banking, and between January and June 2002, she was Superintendent of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators (a.i.). She has been a staff member and consultant to the International Monetary Fund from 1991 to 2012. Between 1991 and 1994, she worked as Economist of the Western Hemisphere Department, and from 2004 to 2007, she was Deputy Manager of the Regulation and Banking Supervision Division. As consultant, she has done extensive work in several countries in different regions. In 2012, she was appointed Deputy General Manager of the Economic Studies Department of Financiera Confianza, an entity of the BBVA Foundation, a position she held until August 2016, when she was appointed Superintendent of Banking, Insurance and Private Pension Fund Administrators. Mrs. Heysen is an Economist of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) with a Master degree in Economics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), USA.

gmw challenge 2019   Dr. Denny Hamachila Kalyalya is Governor and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Zambia (February 2015-August 2020, and September 2021- Present). He is also the Country’s Alternate Governor for the International Monetary Fund (April 2015-August 2020 and November 2021-Present), World Bank Independent Co-Chair for IDA20 Replenishment, Chairperson of the Association of African Central Banks Southern Region (November 2021-Present), and Non-Executive Director of the African Export and Import Bank Board (June 2019-Present). He also served as Executive Director at the World Bank Group for Africa Group I (November 2012-October 2014), and as Alternate Executive Director for the same institution (November 2010-October 2012), served as Deputy Governor – Operations at the Central Bank of Zambia (November 2002-October 2010), and Director - Economics Department at the Central Bank of Zambia (1998-November 2002). Dr. Kalyalya has served on various committees including, as Borrower Representative - 17th Mid-Term Review and 18th Replenishment of the International Development Association representing Africa Group 1 Constituency (22 African countries) at the WorldBank Group (November 2015-December 2019), Ministrial Committee on Petroleum and Gas Exploration (April 2015- August 2020), and Financial Sector Development Plan Steering Committee (2004 – 2010). Dr. Kalyalya holds a Ph. D. Economics ( 1993) and MA Economics(1989) from University of Massachusetts/Amherst, USA. MA Economics (1983) and BA Economics and Business Administration (1980) from the University of Zambia.

gmw challenge 2019   Nawaporn Maharagkaga is Assistant Governor of the Bank of Thailand, responsible for Risk Management Group, as well as Financial Literacy and Bank of Thailand Learning Centre. She has previously worked in monetary policy, bank regulation, and reserves management. While working in bank regulation, she was responsible for financial sector development master plan and prudential regulation. She has been part of the team that set up the work on financial literacy, market conduct and financial consumer protection work at the Bank of Thailand in the 1990s, benefiting significantly from being a part of international forum such as INFE. The financial literacy work at the Bank of Thailand is recognized as an important component of Bank’s strategy for developing the new financial landscape announced in February 2022, in light of digital disruption, as well as sustainable solution for household debt. Ms. Maharagkaga holds a BSc.(Econ.) from the London School of Economics, London University, and MPA from Harvard University.

gmw challenge 2019   Flore-Anne Messy is Head of Consumer Finance, Insurance, Private Pensions, Financial and Enterprise Affairs Directorate, OECD and Executive Secretary of the International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE). She joined the OECD in June 2000 to develop the activities of the Insurance and Private Pensions Committee. After several years working on the development of pensions, insurance and financial market policy issues, she launched and steered the OECD work on financial literacy and consumer protection (including the OECD/INFE, PISA financial literacy exercises, the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection and the secretariat of FinCoNet). From 2016, she headed successively the OECD Insurance Private Pensions and Financial Market Division and the Consumer Finance, Insurance and Pensions Division. Prior to the OECD she worked as a consultant and auditor for banks and insurance companies at Deloitte Touche Tomatsu. She graduated from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris and received her thesis in international economics from University Pantheon-Sorbonne of Paris.


gmw challenge 2019   Aimée Allam is the executive director of the Financial Times’ newly formed charity, the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Campaign. The campaign aims to democratise financial education via the provision of free and engaging content to those who need it most: young people, women, and disenfranchised groups including minority ethnic communities and migrants.

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GMW2022 CALENDAR: Featured Events

More than 110 countries took part in #GMW2022. Below we highlight some GMW2022 events:

Monday, 21 March

  • GLOBAL | OECD/INFE | “GMW2022 Launch Event: 10 Year Anniversary” | 12:00 – 14:00 CET | Register and watch here | Language: English

  • ECUADOR | Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria | “GMW Launch event” | Language: Spanish

  • FRANCE | Banque de France | “GMW Launch France” | 17:00 CET | Join livestreaming here| Language: French

  • KOSOVO* | Central Bank of Kosovo | “GMW Launch Event”

  • PERU | Superintendency of Bank, Insurance and Private Pension Funds of Peru | “Peru Launch Event” | Language: Spanish

  • SLOVENIA | National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ministry of Finance, Bank Association of Slovenia, Central Bank of the Republic Slovenia, BANKARIUM - Museum of Money and Banking in Slovenia, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training, Stock Exchange of Slovenia, Home Economic Association of Republic of Slovenia | “GMW Launch event”

  • SURINAME | Centrale Bank van Suriname | “Suriname GMW Launch event”

  • ZAMBIA | National Financial Literacy Week Working Group – Bank of Zambia | “Zambia GMW Launch”

  • TURKEY | FODER – Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association - Borsa İstanbul | “Turkey GMW Launch – Gong Ceremony” | 07:00 – 09:00 CET | Language: Turkish

Tuesday, 22 March

  • PORTUGAL | National Plan for Financial Education (led by the Banco de Portugal, the Portuguese Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission) | “Webinar on the importance of awareness raising campaigns with the financial supervisory authorities of all the other Portuguese-speaking countries” | 14:00 – 16:00 CET | Join here

  • EUROPE | European Banking Federation | “Launch event: Financial Skills in the time of crisis” | 15:00 CET | Join here

Wednesday, 23 March

  • BELGIUM | FSMA – Financial Services and Markets Authority | “Interactive class on ‘saving and investing’ taught by Michael Van Drogenbroeck together with Ewald Pironet and influencers” | 10:00 CET | Learn more here | Language: Dutch

  • HUNGARY | FINTELLIGENCE | “FINTELLIGENCE International Scientific and Practical Conference” | 10:00 CET | Learn more here | Language: English

  • BULGARIA | JA | “Digital Financial Security” | 16:30 CET | Learn more here | Language: Bulgarian

Thursday, 24 March

  • BELGIUM | FSMA – Financial Services and Markets Authority | “Interactive class on ‘saving and investing’ taught by Bruno Colmant together with influencers” | Learn more here | Language: French

  • PERU | SBS Peru | “Financial literacy of MSMEs” | 17:00 CET | Learn more here | Language: Spanish

  • EUROPE | EFAMA – European Fund and Asset Management Association | “What is the role of the financial sector in investor education initiatives?” | 10:00 – 11:30 CET | Learn more here | Language: English

  • NETHERLANDS – ITALY | Angle | “Financial education in a life-cycle perspective” | 15:00 – 16:00 CET | Language: English | Register and join the webinar here| Language: English

  • POLAND | Czepczynski Family Foundation | “Online lesson in English addressed at children aged 6-10 years: ABC of Economics financial programme” | 11:00 –11:45 CET | Learn more here | Language: English

Friday, 25 March

  • FRANCE | Banque de France | “Clôture de la semaine de l'éducation financière” | 14:00 CET | Learn more here | Language: French

  • TURKEY | FODER - Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association | “GMW closing event for Turkey” | 10:00 – 11:30 CET | Language: Turkish

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GMW HISTORY – #10YearsGMW from 2012 to 2021

The impact of the campaign never ceases to amaze us. We could not do it without you! Since 2012 all GMW participants have worked hard to support children and young people to learn financial education and money matters everywhere. We truly appreciate your dedication.

Also, 8 GMW Reports have been published. These reports include a great overview of activities and events that took place in previous campaign weeks. Learn more here.

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From its first edition, more than 50 million children and young people have been engaged in various financial education activities, in 176 countries around the world. But how did it all start?

In 2012, Global Money Week was initiated by Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI), a global NGO focused on increasing financial literacy and financial inclusion of young people. Therefore, from 2012 to 2019 GMW was organised by CYFI. Since then, each year organisations across the world have organised their own GMW events during the Week, sharing their news, photos and information with others around the world. Every year, more countries (including overseas territories) have joined Global Money Week:

2019 – 152 countries
2018 – 151 countries
2017 – 137 countries
2016 – 132 countries
2015 – 124 countries
2014 – 118 countries
2013 – 80 countries
2012 – 21 countries

In June 2019, CYFI officially handed over the GMW Campaign to the OECD International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE).

Thank you very much to all GMW organisers and participants all around the world!

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*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244/99 and the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

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