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2021 Russian Federation Global Money Week


  • The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation


  • Federal State Budgetary Institution «Financial Research Institute», 252 institutions of higher education, 17 partners (Vkontakte, Sberbank, The Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Group of Companies “Riki”, Federal methodological centers of financial literacy on the basis of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, HSE University, RANEPA, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and many others


  • 20


  • 2,200,000


  • 5,300,000


  • 93,000,000

Celebrating Money Week is part of the strategy for the improvement of financial literacy in the Russian Federation. The goal is to educate children and youth about how to manage finances in a responsible way, give answers to the most popular questions about money, and educate parents about the importance of financial education. This year’s edition took place during March 22nd to April 30th. Key themes of this year’s week included financial fraud management, young entrepreneurs, and dialog between generations about family finances.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation together planned the Money Week. The project was implemented by Federal State Budgetary Institution «Financial Research Institute».

Open lessons on financial literacy, financial quests, games, contests, expert discussions and live broadcasts with government officials were held in all 85 regions in Russia. In total, 2,2 million students from schools and secondary vocational education institutions, 17,800 educational establishments, 252 institutions of higher education and 105,000 university students participated in the campaign.

Total coverage of the Week’s campaign in the media reached almost 93 million people. Updates were shared through more than 2,200 publications online and in print, 650 TV and radio broadcasts. The digital resources of the national programme for financial literacy improvement had over 10 million visits. 165,600 copies of educational materials were distributed among the participants during the campaign.

The online financial literacy festival “My Money Fest” was the main event and organised on the platform of the Vkontakte, the most popular social network in Russia. “Mу Money Fest” includes a whole week of live broadcasts on a variety of themes related to financial literacy, talk shows with celebrities, interactions with the viewers and contests on social media. More than 70 experts participated in the festival from successful entrepreneurs, popular bloggers and journalists to representatives from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. “My Money Fest” contest had more than 1,5 million views. Each day the festival focused on different target audiences such as preschoolers, junior, middle and senior students, parents and teachers. The first day of the festival was dedicated to the youngest participants. In live broadcast they met with the creators of "The Alphabet of Financial Literacy with Smeshariki", the most popular educational cartoon in Russia. Recently the number of the views on all resources exceeded 100 million.

2019 Russian Federation Global Money Week


  • Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


  • 23 Commercial Organisations, 60 Educational Institutions, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


  • 1 875 968


  • 8 905 000

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Once again to celebrate Global Money Week, the Russian Federation organised many events and activities in line with their National Strategy to improve financial literacy. For GMW2019, the Ministry of Finance, together with the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights, Protection and Human Well-Being, organised over 41.000 financial literacy related events in 85 regions in the country. Children, youth and adults participated in in-person lessons and lectures, online seminars and courses, and an online marathon on financial literacy. Some innovative events included the Quests for Financial Literacy. This was a series of practically-oriented games, taking place in both schools and on the city street. Close to 5.000 people, or 1.500 teams, participated in the quests. Sberbank organised a new format of events to teach financial literacy to disadvantaged groups, namely webinars with sign language translation. These webinars were the first to ever be held in history of GMW in Russia and it allowed the reach to be expanded, by attracting hearing impaired children. The celebrations in the country lasted for three weeks.

2018 Russian Federation Global Money Week


  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Alfa Bank, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Centre-Invest Bank, ERGO, FINAM, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Financial Health, Financial Portal “”, Financial University, Finservice Bank, Home Credit Bank, KFC, Kuban Credit Bank, Masterslavl, Moscow State University, National Center of Financial Literacy, National Research University (Higher School of Economics), Pochta Bank, PPF Life Insurance, Regional Centers for Financial Literacy (Altai, Tomsk, Arkhangelsk, Volgo-grad, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Saratov, Kazan), Sberbank, SPN Communications, Svyaz Bank, VISA, Zapsibcom Bank, 13 media organisations, 4 universities, 8020 schools


  • 925 000


  • 22 463 300

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

During GMW2018, the 4th All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth was held in Russia. More than 25 thousand events were organised in all regions of the country with participation of over 2,500,000 people.

Leading regions in terms of number of events were: the Republic of Tatarstan, the Altai Krai and the Republic of Bashkortostan, including about 400,000 children and their parents, offering them various participation formats: quests, online broadcasts, video studios, video lessons, quizzes, competitions, etc.

The Financial Literacy Week took place in all regions of Russia, opening up with a quiz. The Moscow opening was held in the form of the Finball tournament (financial & football quiz) at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers (the largest institution of additional education in Russia). Seven teams consisting of children from 9 to 13 years of age participated in the tournament.

In the framework of the Financial Literacy Week, traditional lessons and games were for the first time complemented with quests. They took place both online on a specially developed website, gathering more than 1,400 participants from 50 regions of the country, and city quests in 3 different cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad), attended by more than 300 children. Besides participating in the competitions offered during the GMW, school and university students actively participated in the already traditional essay contest (more than 1,000 works were sent), as well as in the creative contest, choosing a painting of a financially competent character who could appear in the popular children's Russian cartoon series, "The Alphabet of Financial Literacy with Smeshariki." The contest received over 500 applications from contestants aged 3-14 years. There was also a rap contest, where students were asked to rhyme the financial literacy content in an interesting way.

Tours to various local businesses (banks and financial organisations) were especially popular within the Financial Literacy Week. More than 160 tours were conducted for school groups.

For the first time in the framework of the project, a special poll was launched jointly by Foxford, Sberbank and NAFI, which will make it possible to make an inquiry on the subject of finances throughout the country. More than 11,000 people have completed the survey.

For parents, in addition to regular parental meetings in educational institutions and family financial games, for the first time an online all-Russian parental meeting was held, joined by over 1.2 million people thanks to the broadcast with the participation of VISA payment system – the general partner of the Financial Literacy Week.

More than 22.3 million people participated in the information campaign, including the mailings from Partners (2.7 million recipients), social networks posts (2.4 million people); 335 000 copies of information booklets, brochures, newspapers and leaflets were distributed. Over 3,000 publications appeared in the media.

2017 Russia Global Money Week






  • Public television of Russia, Children's Radio, TV channel Russia 24, Together RF



  • 1 000 000


  • 17 000 000

During the Global Money Week 2017, over 1 million children and youth have been reached and more than 20,000 events and activities have been organised throughout all regions of the Russian Federation.

Supported by a large number of partners, such as banks, insurance companies, financial organisations, the All-Russia Financial Literacy Week for children and youth consisted of a wide range of activities at schools and universities, including lectures, lessons, quests, master classes, competitions, quizzes, games, excursions as well as lectures on financial education for parents.

The opening of the Week took place in the format of "Financial City" in Fingrad (Masterslavl) in Moscow whereas the remaining regions chose the financial quest for the opening of the Week. Over 6,000 participants attended the opening ceremonies.

Furthermore, students participated in open classes and business games throughout the Week. For example, during workshops on mobile applications, students solved financial security issues whereas younger participants met writers who, together with the children’s favourite characters, introduced them to the basics of financial literacy. Next to that, meetings with parents and online seminars were arranged under the guidance of tutors.

What’s more, a series of educational videos on financial literacy were created, such as "Financial Education with the Family", "Invest in Your Future", "Careful Consumption and Saving". In the same manner, a series consisting of 9 training videos "How to become financially literate?" were broadcasted over the Internet. Children and representatives of the partners of the Financial Literacy Week 2017 took part in the videos.

literacy, school fairs, creative and art challenges, a rap competition on financial literacy, a selfie challenge with the symbols of the Week, a drawing challenge, crowdsourcing research on financial literacy, online financial games, Financial Literacy Week in “Fingrad” (Masterslavl), “The smart lunch” with the distribution of leaflets supported by KFC (more than 1 million people have been reached), a performance "Magic power of the budget”, a master class "Journey to the world of electronic money", а lesson on financial literacy at the Boarding School of the Ministry of Defence, a lecture "From a teenager to an entrepreneur" at Mastercard and Startup Academy Junior SKOLKOVO, an online festival "Financial Education", a study on milk price from the Global Lab attended by 400 children.

2016 Russia Global Money Week

Global Inclusion Awards - Global Money Week Winner 2016!



  • Institute of Financial Planning
  • SPN Communications
  • Central Bank of Russian Federation, Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor), Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rossgosstrakh zhizn, Ingosstrakh, MetLife, Sberbank Strakhovanie, Mastercard, PPF Strakhovanie zhizni, Soglasie Vita, Renessans zhizn, NPF Buduscheye, NPF Blagosostoyanie, MiniBoss School, Visa, Aiesec, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Trinfiko, Renessans Kredit, Pochta Bank (formerly Leto Bank), Alfa Bank, AKIBank, Kuban Kredit, Sberbank, Home Credit Bank, Bank of Moscow, Promsvyazbank, Uralsib, Rosinterbank, Citi Bank, Russian Association of the Student Unions.


  • 14th - 20th of March


    • 800, 000


      • 18 000 000

The second Global Money Week in Russia was organised by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation together with a number of partners, including the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Service for Supervision on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, the Bank of Russia, and many financial institutions, insurance companies and banks.

The Week was celebrated in all the regions of the Russian Federation, making for a large scale event. It opened with a Financial Literacy Test, which was held in dozens of institutes. Throughout the week, about 80,000 students tested their knowledge on basic financial matters, in addition to more than 50,000 people who passed such tests online via the national financial education website (Вашифинансы.рф).

The Week included over 11,000 events which involved over 670,000 young participants. Experts from government bodies and financial institutions conducted open lectures in schools and universities devoted to diverse financial education matters. Over 2,000 educational institutions registered on the Week’s website, and over 3500 applied to attend lectures and excursions. Another activity of the Week was an essay competition for schoolchildren and university students. Over 2,000 creative works devoted to different issues of financial literacy were submitted to the jury.

Many high level public figures supported the Week, including the former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Mr. Alexey Kudrin who conducted the public lecture at the school in Arkhangelsk, and the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection Ms. Anna at the school in Moscow.

The week had a grand closing with a Financial Literacy Game that was led by actor and television presenter Artem Korolev and actress Elisaveta Arsamasova, which gathered wide media attention.

“Initiatives aiming to improve people’s financial literacy level, especially of young people, are crucial for the sustainable development of the national economy.” Aleksey Kudrin, Former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Expert Council of the Financial Education and Financial Literacy Project in Russian Federation
"It makes me happy to know that teenagers and youth have a chance to attend such important events. Usually, the parents have no idea when to start talking to their kids about a careful attitude towards money. Such educational project helps to find solutions in dealing with such issues both for parents and for kids." Tutta Larsen, TV presenter, founder of TUTTA.TV

2015 Russia Global Money Week



      • 9th - 17th of March


      • 25 000

From 9 to 17 March the first Global Money Week took place in Russia within the framework of the Financial Literacy project run by the Ministry of Finance of Russian Federation and the World Bank. More than 25,000 school and university students in 13 regions of Russia were able to participate in more than 300 educational activities around the country and take part in financial literacy games and competitions. Partners of the week included regional Ministries of Finance, financial institutions, universities, schools, civil society organisations, insurance companies etc.

Regions that took part in the Global Money Week celebrations in Russia are Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Saratov, Stavropol, Samara, Tomsk and Ulyanovsk regions, Republic of Tatarstan and Moscow.

Events of the Financial Literacy Week included seminars on online transactions by Yandex.Money, visits to the Museum of the Central Bank of Russian Federation, financial education games for school children and students, visits to the museum of Sberbank of Russia, master-classes for children by Home Credit Bank Russia, series of webinars by the professors of leading Russian universities on various finance-related topics, visits to the exhibition about the history of insurance sector in Russia organised by ‘Ingosstrakh’, theatrical performances at universities and many more activities in different regions of the country.

The official closing ceremony of Global Money Week in Russia took place at the Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation on March 17th, where more than five hundred young people met with the Deputy Minister of Finance Sergey Storchak, as well as with the representatives of the banking community, media and experts. Young people had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss interesting financial issues with their peers and experts. The Ceremony ended with the awards to the most active participants of the Week and the winners of the Essay Contest “Why do I need Financial Literacy?”. The 6th grade student from the Siberian city Irkutsk Ivan Vetrov won the 1st place!

“The young generation has to make a lot more independent financial decisions in the future than the generation of their parents, and make choices of a lot of complex financial products and services. Russia Financial Literacy Week is aimed at raising awareness among the young people of the importance of increasing their financial capabilities and will show them that financial education can not only be useful for their future, but also is accessible and interesting at a young age”Sergey Storchak, Deputy Minister of Finance of Russian Federation

Center-Invest Bank also organised financial literacy activities in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, among which an installation about trade and entrepreneurship at Rostov Regional Museum of Local History and various seminars, lectures and excursions for students, parents and other target groups. Moreover, Academy of Public Administration also conducted many educational activities during the week at the Northern Arctic Federal University in Arkhangelsk and Moscow City Pedagogical University, including competitions, quizzes and the round-table "Financial education of citizens in the modern society".

More information about Global Money Week in Russia can be found on the official website of the Russian Week.

2014 Russia Global Money Week



      • 10th - 14th, 17th of March


      • 663

Russia celebrated Global Money Week with a variety of activities young children and older youth. Moscow Youth Center of Financial Operations Studies participated in Global Money Week 2014 with a range of activities for students and school children. On March 13th the Center organised a lecture for students in Moscow on financial literacy issues and the basics of financial planning. The main goals of the event were to increase the level of personal financial capacity, to acquire knowledge about the current situation in financial markets, and to teach students about personal financial planning. High-level finance professionals talked to students about the importance of personal financial plan and its components. More than 250 students from leading Moscow universities attended the lecture.

On the 17th March, volunteers of the Financial Literacy Programme of the Youth Center for the Financial Operations Studies conducted lectures to more than 50 high-school students in Moscow, in order to increase financial literacy of youth. Following the lectures there was a lively discussion and an interesting Q&A session. These lectures were part of the official launch of the financial literacy programme for school children in Moscow.

The Center-Invest Bank in Russia organised several activities to promote Global Money Week and to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy for children and youth in Russia. On the 14th March, in conjunction with the Rostov Region Local Studies Museum, 35 students received an interactive lecture on the history of entrepreneurship and the origins of the merchant trade in the Rostov Region. Additionally, specialists from the bank and volunteers from southern Russia's leading educational held financial literacy classes in 2 schools. They reached an estimate of 78 school children. Lastly, 20 pensioners and veterans took part in free financial consultation seminars.

A group of school children visited the Moscow Money Museum where they learnt about the history of money, interesting and useful facts about how money works and saw the banknotes and coins from over 80 countries. There was also the screening of several episodes of a mini-series about money where the different aspects of money as means of communications were explored. The excursion included an exciting quiz for kids on the key facts about money as well as a raffle.

Vladivostok Boarding School for Gifted Children in the far east of Russia celebrated Global Money Week with 4 days full of activities. The acitivites included writing competitions, youth quizzes and presentations on topics such as the role of economics in their lives, money, entrepreneurship, taxation, as well various master-classes and economic themed plays. On the 11th March the Vice-President of Nomos Bank in Vladivostok visited the school and shared his experience of how he began saving from a young age. On the last day of local Global Money Week results of writing competitions and quizzes were summed up.

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